Published 26/04/2020 by Yashodha Jayalath / Views :

How traveling can affect our well being

I decided to make some space for “Traveling” on my website. This is because traveling to different places has a major impact on our well-being.  Actually, traveling is important not only to our health but also for the soul.  

I decided to share with you some of the best places  to visit in Sri Lanka. First of all I would like to present some health benefits that can be gained by traveling.  

Because of the monotony of everyday life we are unable to enjoy the true happiness of life. We may feel our life is stuck or trapped and stagnant. When you travel you stop feeling that your life is trapped. Because you keep on going or exploring when you travel.  This will greatly contribute to your well-being and success in life. Traveling gives you the opportunity to experience something new, taste a dish that has never been eaten before, and to experience a different culture.

Did you know that traveling can keep your heart healthy?  Recent scientific research has confirmed that traveling can reduce blood pressure. 

You can also breathe fresh air in a rural setting surrounded by trees and leaves to escape the polluted urban life. This relaxation of your body can also soothe your mind. In this way, our brain begins to secrete happy hormones (endrophines).  The worries and suffering  in your life will vanish this way. You will also experience mental clarity. This will help you make the right decisions and increase creativity.

Another important thing about traveling is that you have to be very active during your journey. That is, simply sitting down and doing nothing can reduce the good results. You can visit the nearby places that have cultural value and surroundings with aesthetic appreciation, go for a walk, go swimming, cycling, play a sport, draw scenery, and read a good book. Additionally, with a small book, you can write down interesting experiences and things you didn't know before or you can start your own blog. You can also take a camera and take pictures, create an album or a scrapbook. Not only this can reduce your stress, it also improves your brain function. 

Your brain stays active when you memorize, record, and draw what you see while traveling. If you keep your brain active, it greatly reduces the risk of aging related diseases such as Alzheimer's and Dementia. 

Traveling brings you happiness, you can meet new people & explore new cultures. It will reduce stress and be good for your soul. So make the most of it when you travel.